Beechville awarded Community Spirit Award

I have always been inspired by the people who reside within our community, and it is that energy and spirit that motivates me to work on improving infrastructure and services through provincial resources. I am delighted the Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia agrees and recognizes the outstanding spirit and quality of people that live here as well.

The Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia created a Community Spirit Award to recognize the strength and diversity of our vibrant communities and the people that live here. Communities are selected for their unique strengths, level of citizen participation in community projects, level of diversity, and the level of community pride.

In the fall of 2018, Shirley Jollimore, a valued member of the riding, nominated Prospect, highlighting the connectiveness of the Prospect communities and the pride people share of their home, neighbours, local businesses, and a stunning coastal shoreline.

This summer, it is an honour for me to join His Honour Arthur J. LeBlanc, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia to present the Community Spirit Award to Beechville. The Beechville community has a long history, valued traditions, strong cultural heritage, and residents who work together to resolve community challenges, support recreational and cultural activities, involve youth and care compassionately for seniors.

Congratulations to the Beechville Community for receiving the prestigious Lieutenant Governor’s Community Spirit Award, a testament of the collective character, quality, and excellence of the people of Beechville. It is truly a privilege to represent such outstanding people and communities, and I value the opportunity to serve all of you.